Project Background

Aerial photos of the Project Site
The Sandy Ridge Cemetery is one of the 24 potential sites for columbarium development in 18 districts. It is planned to provide synergistic one-stop services at the Sandy Ridge Cemetery by including niches, a crematorium, a funeral parlour and a visitor service centre at Sandy Ridge Cemetery so as to maximise the convenience to the public.
The Project, Site Formation and Associated Infrastructural Works for Development of Columbarium, Crematorium and Related Facilities at Sandy Ridge Cemetery, described in the EIA Study Brief (ESB-271/2014) is to carry out site formation and infrastructural works for the development of columbarium, crematorium and related facilities at Sandy Ridge Cemetery. Works under the Project will be implemented under two projects including:
- Site Formation and Associated Infrastructural Works for Development of Columbarium at Sandy Ridge Cemetery; and
- Site Formation and Associated Infrastructural Works for Development of Crematorium and Related Facilities at Sandy Ridge Cemetery.